Members present: Mark Karlberg, Jeanne Pryor, George Fuller
Others Present: Craig Kleman, Bill Elovirta, Colleen O’Connor, Beth VanNess, Nicole Miller, Steve Goetz, Larry Goetz, Chuck Garman, Bob Gross, Katherine Hoak, Karen Karlberg, Gale LaBelle, Eva Birkette, John Amato
7:00 PM Meeting opened.
Selectmen’s Comments and Announcements: None.
Town Administrator’s Report: Craig advised that FEMA/MEMA sent out an announcement that there may be reimbursement for the October snow storm and Lenny would be going to a meeting regarding this. The town may be reimbursed approximately $16,000 for this storm. Craig also advised that WiredWest is pursuing a Community Innovation Challenge grant and they could discuss this under other business.
George motioned to accept the minutes of the January 4, 2012 Select Board meeting, Jeanne seconded. All in favor. Jeanne motioned to accept the minutes of the joint meeting with the Finance Committee of January 6, 2012, George seconded. All in favor.
Public Input: Colleen O’Connor asked what happened to all of the dry hydrants that were supposed to be installed throughout town. Mark advised that he knows of a couple that were installed and Craig advised that John Amato has been working to get the dry hydrant installed in Becket Woods. George feels that when the fire chief changed this project was never looked at again. Craig will look into this. John Amato advised that the hydrant that was supposed to be installed in Becket Woods was delayed because of a storm but Craig has been working with him on this project. Jeanne advised that there is a dry hydrant in Sherwood Greens that has been used for years. Chuck Garman advised that a developer installed one on Yokum Pond.
Katherine Hoak asked if the Select Board knows if there is anything in the works to pave Surriner Road. She feels that paving this road would ruin the beauty of it. Mark advised that as far as he knows, the gravel roads in town will remain gravel for a long time but she should speak to the highway department about this. George advised that it depends on how many people build homes on a road. If there are a lot of homes on a road then the highway department needs to widen the road to two lanes which is the case with Plumb Road.
The Select Board discussed the Police Chief Search Committee. Craig advised that a couple of people have decided to not to pursue being appointed to this committee. Bruce Garlow and Ginger Conner decided to back out. He also advised that two other people have asked to be appointed and the Select Board can decide to add them or not. The two interested people are Phil Connor from the YMCA Camp and John Amato. Craig did not receive a letter from Chuck Andrews and Bill Cavanaugh. He advised that Bill Cavanaugh came in to see him this afternoon and said the Select Board knows him so he felt he did not have to write the letter. Mark thought the first thing the Select Board should do is decide if they want a five or seven member committee. He feels they have enough good people
interested to fill a seven member committee. George wants to stay with five members and does not feel an employee of the town should be appointed to this committee. There was a question as to whether Bill Cavanaugh could be appointed if he was a former Selectman. Craig advised that he asked town counsel about this and he read an email that advised that he could be appointed and there was no conflict in doing so. Karen Karlberg asked if this applies for someone who is currently serving on a committee but is not being compensated. Craig advised that there is no conflict for appointing someone who holds another position on a committee but this is the Select Board’s decision for the criteria. Mark does not agree with George’s rationale about not appointing someone who currently holds a position on a committee. Colleen feels that there are people who would love to be appointed but never submit their interest because they would never
be chosen. Bill Elovirta asked if there would be someone on the committee who would have any police knowledge that could answer questions that may arise. Craig advised that he was going to send out letters to a few people that were formerly police chiefs in other towns to act in an advisory way. George still feels that the decision of having a full time police chief should go to a town meeting for a vote because it does not make sense to start looking for someone while not knowing if the money will be appropriated for a full time chief. Jeanne does not understand why the question of a full time chief is being discussed now when for months they have been working on a job description that was for a full time chief but not one of the Select persons questioned it until now. Colleen requested a copy of the job description. George advised that the job description is still in draft form but if she wants a copy she could stop by the town hall and request
one. Briefly discussed the education and experience requirements. Eva Birkette asked who determines what is required. Mark advised that the Select Board determines the job requirements. Briefly discussed the exact date that Bill Elovirta would retire. Bill advised that he was planning on retiring on his 70th birthday which is May 12, 2012 but the legislation has a date of June 30, 2012 as his retirement. He is willing to stay until June 30, 2012 to help with the transition if they wanted him. Briefly discussed the insurance issue of having a chief over the age of 70 working. Discussed what the search committee’s responsibilities would be. Mark feels the appointment of the search committee should be tabled until the next meeting.
Discussed the police chief job description. Discussed the education requirements. Craig had completed a survey of other towns in Berkshire County to see how many police chiefs had a bachelor’s degree. Most towns have a police chief that has a bachelor’s degree. Some audience members feel that the current members of the police department should not be excluded because they do not have a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice. Chuck Garman asked about how the search committee would be able to find someone if the town is not sure if it will be a fulltime or part time position. Craig feels that it would need to be advertised as being contingent on the budget passing at the annual town meeting. It may shy some people away from applying but that is the chance they will
have to take. Jeanne motioned to approve the police chief job description, no one seconded this because there were a few changes that George and Mark wanted done. Mark suggests that the Select Board submit to Craig the suggested changes they would like and then vote to accept this job description at their next meeting.
The Select Board reviewed email from building inspector regarding appointment to the Board of Survey. Jeanne advised that at the last meeting there was some confusion as to whether there needed to be a surveyor on this board and she reviewed the state law and it does not state that a surveyor needed to be on this board. M.G.L. Chapter 143, Section 8 states that if there is no city engineer in such city or no head of the fire department in such city or town, the mayor or selectmen shall designate one or more officers or other suitable persons in place of the officers so named as members of said board. Jeanne motioned to appoint Beth VanNess to the Board of Survey and to appoint Bill Cavanaugh as the alternate to the Board of Survey, George seconded. All in favor.
The Select Board reviewed letter from residents at 219 Mallard Drive who are asking that the false alarm fine assessed to them be lowered from $250 to $150. Jeanne asked Bill Elovirta if this alarm system was registered. He advised that it is registered with the police department. Mark read the letter from Bill Elovirta with all of the dates and times of each false alarm that occurred at this residence. George motioned to keep the fine assessed to residents of 219 Mallard Drive at $250, Jeanne seconded. All in favor.
Select Board discussed authorization to use town counsel. Mark advised that he had this put on the agenda because he attended a Planning Board meeting one night and heard that they frequently call town counsel and he feels that the Town Administrator or the Select Board should be the only ones who could authorize calling town counsel. George advised that the Select Board authorized the Planning Board to call town counsel when they needed to but all other boards and committees should get approval before they call town counsel. Mark feels as a common courtesy, the planning board should let the town administrator or select board know when they need to contact town counsel. Gale LaBelle, chair person of the planning board, advised that she always comes in and talks to the town administrator before she
places a call to town counsel. She explained that the planning board is under strict timelines and sometimes they cannot wait to speak with the Select Board or Town Administrator before placing a call.
George motioned to send the Becket Ambulance Department Request for Write-Off Report to the collection agency, Jeanne seconded. All in favor.
The Select Board reviewed the monthly reports of the Police Department, Citations Issued and Building Inspector.
Any other business: Craig advised that WiredWest is applying for a Community Innovation Challenge grant and are eligible for up to $500,000. They need select boards of as many member towns as possible to vote their support for this and sign a “Local Support” form. Briefly discussed the last mile requirements. George motioned to sign the Local Support form for the Community Innovation Challenge Grant, Jeanne seconded. All in favor.
Bill Elovirta advised that there have been a few break ins in Indian Lakes over a five day period. He is not sure what time of day these break ins occurred but he is asking permission to have police coverage for an overnight shift. Briefly discussed having an officer work through a few overnights to see if this will help with the break ins. Bill advised that he is again asking for another full time officer to work the overnight shifts. Mark asked what Bill would require for overnight coverage. Bill advised that he would like to sporadically cover the overnight shifts so that the criminals do not know when there will be police coverage. George made a motion to allow Bill Elovirta to put an officer on from midnight to seven a.m. a couple of nights a week, Jeanne seconded. All in
favor. The Select Board would like Bill to report back to them after this is done.
Reviewed correspondence.
8:50 PM George motioned to adjourn, Jeanne seconded. All in favor.
Reviewed payroll/expense warrants.
Respectfully submitted, _______________________________
Nina Weiler, Secretary Mark L. Karlberg, Chairman
Documents discussed at meeting:
- Draft of the Police Chief Job Description
- Local Support form for the Community Innovation Challenge Grant.